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Woolie Friends Stitch-A-Longs

During the summer of 2020, we were honored to join eleven other designers to create the Woolen Oak Stitch-A-Long quilt. The adventure was such a success that we have continued to work together, creating various quilts, runners, and projects. And now we have two new designers joining our Friends! What a fun group, and what fabulous stitchers we have met throughout these stitch-alongs! We would love to have you join the fun. Check out the Facebook page for examples, block sharing, inspiration, and updates. It's never too late to try a project you may have missed: we still have availability for kits and patterns. All of the designers' websites are linked below for your convenience. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and pay them a visit to see what they have to offer!

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 Autumn Wonder 


Nothing says fall like a pumpkin basket full of Autumn Wonder—oak leaves, acorns, mushrooms, mums, and bittersweet—all with a shiny buzzing bee! Our pattern comes with full instructions, placement pattern, and full sized templates. The finished block size is 12.5 inches.

Our wool kits comes with background homespun fabric, 10 different wools, many of which are hand-dyed, red silk ribbon, and a sweet bee charm. Our thread kits includes 5 skeins of hand-dyed threads by Weeks DyeWorks: floss, pearl cotton #8 and #5, and crewel wool thread. We reserve the right to substitute as needed.

Click below to order printed patterns, wool, or thread kits.

Or SAVE with complete kit!


Our House

Welcome to Our House! This tulip and lilac bedecked frame is inspired by vintage greeting cards and embroideries. The embroidery, while simple, adds beautiful details to this wood-framed vignette that bring to mind much that spring has to offer.   

We have wool kits with a printed pattern, and thread kits as well. Or you can bundle and save by ordering a complete kit—with homespun background, blue cotton for sky, 10 pieces of wool, many hand-dyed by Sew Cherished, 6 skeins of floss and 1 skein of #5 pearl cotton thread hand-dyed by Weeks DyeWorks, a ladybug charm, and a free printed pattern—all for only $40!

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Click below to order printed patterns, wool, or thread kits.

Or SAVE with complete kit!

Quilter Treat!

It is always fun to visit a quilt shop, but one shaped like a pumpkin, bedecked with fall flora, is a real quilter treat! What could be more inviting than a miniature quilt hanging in the front window, with a sewing machine and fabric bolts in the upper window? Let’s venture through the mushroom door to a pumpkin shop of quilts. We have both digital and printed patterns for our quilt shop. We also offer kits to create this essential stop on your shopping trip in our quaint Pumpkin Village.

Our wool kit comes complete with 9 different wools (many hand-dyed by Sew Cherished), two pieces of cotton for the windows, background fabric, and a sweet little sewing machine to sit in the window of your shop. You can purchase it with or without a printed pattern (discounted if purchased with a kit.) We also have a thread kit with hand-dyed threads by Weeks DyeWorks to coordinate with the appliqué: two skeins of #5 pearl cotton thread and 4 skeins of 6-strand floss. A one-stop shop! Finished design is 12 inches square.

NOTE: We reserve the right to substitute materials as needed due to availability.

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Click below to order printed patterns or wool, thread, and embellishment kits.

Or SAVE with complete kit!

You may wish to change the motif on your mini-quilt hanging in the window; perhaps you simply want a pumpkin or a flower. It is your quilt shop!

Past Woolie Friends Mystery Stitch-A-Longs

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Deck the Forest

Our delightful gnome family is decking the forest tree for a magical Christmas, with gilded paper chains, lit candles, and a bright star—all under the supervision of a wise owl and a little red bird. While there are many special details to this block, they are all created with simple embroidery stitches.

We have wool and thread kits available for purchase as well. Our wool kit can be purchased with or without a printed pattern. It includes background homespun fabric, eight pieces of beautiful hand-dyed wool, and an embellishment kit: curly roving for the beard, beads for the candles, a hand-dyed wooden star button, and an owl charm. (Owls may vary in style due to availability.)

Our thread kits include pearl cotton threads (size #5 and #8) and floss by Weeks DyeWorks, hand-dyed wool threads, and gold thread. Seven skeins provide everything you will need to add character and sparkle to your appliqué. Patterns are available in printed and digital formats. 

Full Kit:

Bundle and Save!

To order,

click the button below.

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Nesting Nuthatch

The ubiquitous blue Mason jar has been around for nearly two centuries and has been used by generations to preserve food from our gardens. Today, it serves many, various functions. Ours is a vase filled with Queen Anne’s Lace and Strawflowers, inviting our nesting nuthatch  to the scene.

Our lovely wool kit will include a printed pattern, homespun background, eight different wools—several hand-dyed by Dawn Shuck from Sew Cherished—and several embellishment materials to make this block unique and full of fun textures. Sari silk ribbon with wool strips and wool roving make for a dimensional and unique nest for our nuthatch's eggs. And then there is the sweet dragonfly charm flitting amongst the flowers.  This is a kit you won't want to miss! Remember: our kits come with a printed pattern, so you will not need to purchase one if you buy a kit!!

Our beautiful thread kit comes with a selection of hand-dyed threads from Weeks DyeWorks and includes 5 skeins of floss,  and one each of #3 pearl and #8 pearl cotton threads. The variety of thread weights help to add interest to your work. You will love the lustrous sheen of the white #3 pearl to create your Queen Anne's lace!


For a tutorial for stitching

the Nesting Nuthatch,

click the button below.


To order,

click the button below.

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April Showers

April showers bring May flowers is the theme of this springtime block that is filled with all the things one might need for a fun, rain-filled day—rainboots, an umbrella, and a spring bouquet. When spring rains darken your day, this colorful block will bring a little brightness into it!

Our complete wool kit includes a homespun background and a variety of ten beautiful wools—hand-dyed by our Woolie Friend, Dawn Shuck from Sew Cherished. Additionally, the kit will have silk ribbon in two sizes and a charming embellishment—to be revealed later. You won't want to miss these delicious colors and wools, we promise! Our separate thread kit will include a lovely selection of hand-dyed threads by Weeks DyeWorks: pearl cotton thread in two sizes and three colors of floss. Our wool kits will have the bonus of a printed pattern, for your convenience. 


To order,

click the button below.


 Tea and Blooms

Brew a pot of tea and stitch some blooms as you anticipate spring! Dimensional wool appliqué, embroidery, and embellishment add life to this pot full of violets and cup of chamomile. It is one of 12 blocks in the Potted Petals Mystery Stitch-A-LongThe finished block size is 12 inches square.

Our wool kit includes background homespun fabric, all wool pieces needed to create our block, as well as several embellishments, including wool roving, beads, lace, ribbon, and antennae. 

Our thread kit includes a variety of hand-dyed threads from Weeks DyeWorks: one card of #5 pearl cotton, 4 cards of #8 pearl cotton, 2 cards of six-stranded floss, and one card of crewel wool. 

Pattern is sold separately, in either printed or downloadable digital PDF format.

To order,

click the button below.

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Going to Grandma's


If you would prefer to make a little boy rather than a girl, just sub in the boy with the included templates.

To order, 

click the button below!

We had such fun with our 2020 Wooly Block Adventure Block—Going to Grandma’s. Our little girl (or boy!) is on her way through the woods to Grandma’s house but makes a quick stop to feed a sweet little cardinal. Embroidery with three different types of fibers adds dimension to this woodland scene, and while our little girl (or boy) is going to her Grandma’s, your sign can say whatever you would like!  The pattern now include templates for both a boy and a girl, depending on your preferences.

Finished block size: 8-inch square

The kit includes the complete printed pattern with templates, black wool for the background, all wool needed to complete the block, 1.5 yards of Valdani white #8 pearl cotton thread, and a snowflake button. Also included is some extra wool for an optional finishing project, the Into the Woods Runner, designed by our Woolie Friends. This charming runner will take you through the winter, topping a table, the back of a couch, or the bottom of a bed.

An optional thread kits includes the threads that we used to complete the block: Weeks DyeWorks floss, crewel wool, and #8 pearl cotton; and The Gentle Art floss and wool thread.


Week #9: Harvest Basket

This delightful Harvest Basket echoes the bounty of autumn with its colorful contents. Embroidery brings the basket to life—we hope you enjoy stitching and embellishing this little taste of fall! It is one of 12 blocks in the Woolen Oak Mystery Stitch-A-Long. The finished block size is 16½ inches square.

Our beautiful, hand-dyed wool kit comes with fabric to piece the background acorn block and all wool to create the appliqué design, as well as a bit of wool roving and a sweet little bee charm.

The thread kit includes a collection of hand-dyed threads from Weeks Dye Works—2 skeins of floss, 1 skein of #5 pearl cotton, 2 skeins of #8 pearl cotton, and 1 skein of crewel wool. 

Pattern is sold separately, either in printed or downloadable digital PDF format. 

To order,

click the button below.

We have created a few videos demonstrating various techniques we used in creating the Harvest Basket.
We hope you will find them helpful!

Overview of Harvest Basket Embroidery Stitches

Tutorial for Wool Basket Weaving

To learn about the techniques we used to prepare our wool appliqué for the block, go to our blog,

Telling Stories Through the Needle's Eye.

Tutorial for Wool Roving Flower Centers

Tutorial for Pekinese Stitch

Here is the list of all our Woolie Friends Designers.

Check out their websites to see what they are doing!


Blueberry Backroads                                 

Calico Patch Designs                                 

Cherry Blossoms                                        

Linen Closet Designs                                 

My Red Door Designs                               

Red Button Quilt Co                                  

Rusty Crow                                                  

Sew Cherished                                            

The Cottage Rose-Pattern Originals      

The Woolen Needle                                   

Through The Needle’s Eye                       

Traditional Primitives                               

Wooden Spool Designs                             

Yellow Creek Quilt Designs